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How to use the Javascript Array method Every?

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How does the Javascript every method work?
Use cases of the every() method in Javascript

Sometimes we need to check if all of the elements in an array meet a given condition, in this situation we can use the Javascript every() method to test if all of the elements satisfy this condition. In the following example, we use this method to test if all of the numbers of an array are greater than 10.

1const arrayNumbersOne = [13, 15, 17, 25, 34]; 2const arrayNumbersTwo = [5, 14, 27, 5, 4]; 3 4const resultArrayOne = arrayNumbersOne.every((num) => num > 10); 5const resultArrayTwo = arrayNumbersTwo.every((num) => num > 10); 6 7console.log(resultArrayOne); // (output) true 8console.log(resultArrayTwo); // (output) false

In this example with have two different arrays with numbers and we use the every() method to check if all the numbers are greater than 10. All the numbers in the first array are greater than 10 so the callback function returns true, while the second one does not satisfy this condition so the callback function returns false.

How does the Javascript every method work?

The every method of Javascript is an array iteration method that allows you to check if all the elements of an array meet a specific condition, the callback function that receives this method iterates over the array and checks if the element meets the condition, if it does the function returns true, otherwise it returns false, if all the elements in the array meet the condition then the every() method returns true but if any of the elements does not meet the condition then immediately the function returns false for example:

1const arrayOne = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 2const arrayTwo = [1, 2, "3", "4", 5]; 3 4arrayOne.every((num) => typeof num === "number") // the method iterates 5 times 5arrayTwo.every((num) => typeof num === "number") // the method iterates only 3 time

This code checks if all of the elements in the arrays are numbers, because in the first array, all the elements are effectively numbers the Javascript every() method iterates through the entire array to check if each element fulfills the condition, but in the second array some of the elements are strings and when the every() method check that an element does not meet the condition it returns false immediately it doesn´t check the rest of the elements.

Syntax of the every method in Javascript

The Javascript every() method receives two parameters:

1array.every(callback(element, index, array), thisParameter);
  • callback: the first parameter is the callback function that checks each element in the array ( REQUIRE ). This callback function receives three parameters:
    • element: is the current element of the array on each iteration ( REQUIRE ).
    • index: is the index of the current element on each iteration ( OPTIONAL ).
    • array: is the array on which the every() method is invoked ( OPTIONAL ).
  • thisParameter: the second parameter is an object that you can specify to be used as the value of this in the callback function. It allows you to access properties inside the object of the callback function ( OPTIONAL ).

Is important to know that this second parameter can only be used if you pass a regular function function() {} as a callback to the every() method if you use an arrow function () => {} the this property cannot be accessed inside the callback function like is shown in the following example.

1array.every(function() {console.log(this.thisProperty)}, {thisProperty: 10}) 2 3array.every(() => console.log(this.thisProperty), {thisProperty: 10})

( output ) of the code:

110 2undefined

In this example, the first call of the every() method uses a regular function and therefore it can print in the console the value of the this object, but the second call of this method uses an arrow function and because you cannot access the this object inside an arrow function it print in the console undefined.

This is an example of how to access these parameters.

1const numbers = [15, 17, 34]; 2 3const numsGreaterThanTen = numbers.every( 4 function (number, index, array) { 5 console.log("This is the current element: ", number); 6 console.log("This is the index of the element: ", index); 7 console.log("This is the initial array: ", array); 8 console.log('This is the "this" property value: ', this); 9 10 return number > this.minValue; 11 }, 12 { minValue: 10 } 13); 14 15console.log("result: ", numsGreaterThanTen);

In this example, we show in the console all the values of the different parameters as well as the value of the object this, then we check if all of the numbers inside the array numbers are greater than the initial value that we assigned to the object this in the property minValue{ minValue: 10 }.

Use cases of the every() method in Javascript

The every() array method in Javascript can be used on many different occasions, it can be used to check even or odd numbers, check user credentials, check the type of the data, and many other things. We'll see some useful use-case scenarios in the next examples.

1. Checking if all the numbers are even

One of the most common uses of this method is to check if all the numbers in an array are even or odd.

1const arrayOne = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]; 2const arrayTwo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 3 4const resultOne = arrayOne.every((number) => number % 2 === 0); 5const resultTwo = arrayTwo.every((number) => number % 2 === 0); 6 7console.log(resultOne); // (output) true 8console.log(resultTwo); // (output) false

Here we have two different arrays and we want to check if all the numbers inside them are even numbers, to do so we use the module operator or remainder operator % and the syntax number % 2 === 0, if the remainder of the number divided by 2 is 0 this means that the number is an even number but if the if remainder is a different number for example 0.5 this means that the number is an odd number.

2. Checking the type of the data

Another way that you can use the every() Javascript method is to check the type of the data of an array.

1const arrayFruitsOne = ["Apple", "banana", "watermelon", "strawberry"]; 2const arrayFruitsTwo = ["Apple", "banana", 275, "strawberry"]; 3 4const arrayResultOne = arrayFruitsOne.every((item) => typeof item === "string"); 5const arrayResultTwo = arrayFruitsTwo.every((item) => typeof item === "string"); 6 7console.log(arrayResultOne); // (output) true 8console.log(arrayResultTwo); // (output) false

In this example, we use the every() method of Javascript to check if all the elements in the arrays are strings, the first array has the names of 4 different fruits so it returns true because all of the elements are effectively strings, but the second array does not meet this condition so it returns false.

3. Checking a user form input

Another useful use of the every() method in Javascript is to check if a form has been filled in correctly.

HTML Code:

1<!DOCTYPE html> 2<html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <script src="script.js" defer></script> 5 </head> 6 <body style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh;"> 7 <form style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 2rem"> 8 <input type="text" name="userName" /> 9 <input type="email" name="userEmail" /> 10 <input type="password" name="userPassword" /> 11 <button type="submit" style="cursor: pointer">Submit!</button> 12 </form> 13 </body> 14</html>

JavaScript Code:

1const form = document.querySelector("form"); 2const userInputs = { userName: "", userEmail: "", userPassword: "" }; 3 4const onChange = (e) => (userInputs[] =; 5const onSubmit = (e) => { 6 e.preventDefault(); 7 const inputsFilled = Object.values(userInputs).every((value) => value !== ""); 8 9 if (inputsFilled) alert("Success!"); 10 else alert("Error!, information required"); 11}; 12 13form.addEventListener("change", onChange); 14form.addEventListener("submit", onSubmit);

In this example, we use the every() method to check if a form has been filled in correctly. First, we have to create an HTML file with a form inside the body and three inputs, and a button inside the form, then, we create a Javascript file, and inside of it, we implement two different event handlers.

The first event handler is the function onChange where we store the values of the inputs in the constant userInputs.

The second event handler is the onSubmit function where first we check if all the inputs have been filled, we have to create an array with the values of the userInputs object to apply the method every() on it with the syntax Object.values(userInputs), then we check if the values have been filled correctly with the syntax every((value) => value !== ""), after that, we use a conditional if structure to check if the result of the inputsFilled constant is true which means that the inputs have been filled in correctly, if so we print an alert on the page with the message "Success"! but if the inputs have not been filled in correctly we print an error on the page with the message "Error!, information required".


In conclusion, the every() method of JavaScript will help you check if the elements inside an array satisfy a given condition, you can use this method in many different ways not only the ones presented in this article, if you want to know in more detail this method you can visit the official documentation of Mozilla Javascript about the every method. You can check our website to learn about others methods like the array some method in JavaScript or you can learn how to find the interception of arrays in JavaScript, all in the 4Geeks Blog.

If you want to check your knowledge of the JavaScript programming language, I highly recommend you to visit the page our article about learn to code in JavaScript, where you can learn this programming language even from scratch, this page has good explanations with code examples, video tutorials and, many other features that will help you understand or reinforce your knowledge in the programming language JavaScript.