Browse our list of curated database of projects, exercises, and lessons to learn Pandas
3hrs average
This project involves cleaning and analyzing a real estate dataset using Pandas, focusing on practical data science skills. After completing this project, students will be capable of handling, processing, and visualizing real-world data efficiently.
3hrs average
Master Pandas, the most popular Python library for machine learning, with our pandas tutorial exercises. Learn to create DataFrames, clean datasets, and more, with exercises developed by experts.
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about hypothesis testing with Annova and others
2hrs average
Usa tus habilidades con numpy, pandas y matplotlib para practicar un poco sobre probabilidades.
2hrs average
Use python and the beautiful soup library to download, scrape, clean and visualize the revenue information from Tesla
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about calculus and algebra
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about probability distributions
When building a Data Science and Machine Learning project there are things to be considered, specially if you are looking for a job. Here you find tips to make a project make a cv stand out from the crowd, and a list of sites where you can find useful datasets to kickstart your project.
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about descriptive statistics