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Probability Exercises Project in Python


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs

📝 Instructions
  • Complete the problems using probability and Python.

🌱 How to start this project.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a new repository by forking the Git project or by clicking here.
  2. Open the newly created repository in Codespace using the Codespace button extension.
  3. Once the Codespace VSCode has finished opening, start your project by following the instructions below.

📝 Instructions

  1. Once you start working on the project, you will see a ./notebook/problems.ipynb file containing a list of exercises.

  2. Before starting, make sure to select the appropriate Kernel.

    • When you open the notebook, a message will appear at the top indicating "Select Kernel".
    • Click on "Select Kernel" (as shown in the image).


  1. A list with available options will be displayed. Select "Python Environments" and choose the Python version you want to use.

    • Make sure to select the version specified in the devcontainer.json file, as this is the recommended one for the project.


Note: We also incorporated a ./notebook/solutions.ipynb file that we strongly suggest you only use if you are stuck for more than 30min or if you have already finished and want to compare it with your approach.

🚛 How to deliver this project

Once you have finished solving the exercises, be sure to commit your changes, push to your repository and go to to upload the repository link.

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  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs

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  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs