Git is an essential tool for version control in software development. Discover why learning Git is crucial, its importance in the job market, and how it can improve your development workflow. We offer numerous exercises and projects to help you master Git.
How to start and setup your local web development environment across Windows, Mac, and Linux. Optimize your coding workflow: Project organization, Version control, IDE configuration, etc.
Learn how to use GIT with an interactive tutorial, video, and great article. Without GIT you won't be able to work at any company, and you won't be able to use anyone's code.
3hrs average
Learn GitHub Pull Requests by building a landing page! Collaborate as a team using Git while each member develops a section of a website with HTML and CSS. Practice version control, teamwork, and project management as you submit changes through Pull Requests.
1hrs average
Build the first version of your professional student profile for recruiters to see! Learn GitHub’s pull request process while creating a YAML file with your details, such as education, skills, projects, and experience. This step is essential in crafting your public portfolio as a developer.