Browse our list of curated database of projects, exercises, and lessons to learn The Command Line
2hrs average
Learn how to execute one of the most popular hacks on Windows: The Reverse Shell, and also learn to execute basic and administrative Windows commands remotely through a reverse shell, simulating a hacking attack from Kali Linux to Windows 10.
2hrs average
This command line challenge is designed to make you become familiar with the bash/command line. The challenge goes over the most used commands every developer needs to know, in order to succeed in real life.
8hrs average
Develop a TicTacToe CLI in Python to practice lists, 2D matrices, loops, and conditionals. Implement play, check_for_winner, and new_game functions. Players take turns as ‘X’ and ‘O’. The game checks for winners, allows resets, and can be exited anytime.
4hrs average
Disneyland for procrastinators. This excuse generator in python takes no more than 20 lines of code and can save you for the rest of your life! We will be using technologies such as Python and after completing the exercise, the student will know how to generate random excuses using basic Python structures.
4hrs average
Conect to the API to create an app that can be used from the terminal to retrieve meanings of words
Navigating and Manipulating Files in Linux: Essential Commands and Best Practices for System Administrators.
8hrs average
Build a Todo List CLI app that syncs tasks with the cloud using the BreatheCode Todo API. Users can add, update, and delete tasks. Tasks are stored on the cloud, and the app retrieves them from the cloud as well, practicing API communication, Python lists, dictionaries, and HTTP protocols.
8hrs average
Scan files in a computer system using a tree structure to identify files, folders, and links. The program generates a report in JSON format, including details such as total files, file extensions, folders, links found, and broken links. It checks links for errors by making GET requests for verification.
8hrs average
Create a command-line TODO list app where users can add, delete, save, and load tasks. Manage tasks efficiently with CSV file storage. Simple interface with Python functions for task management.
8hrs average
Learn to create a REST API with Node and Express in our interactive tutorial! Master essential coding skills and kickstart your programming journey today!
4hrs average
Use your Python skills to randomly draw a poker card on every time the algorithm runs
6hrs average
Create a Todo list API Interactively using Python language and the Flask Framework. This tutorial covers technologies such as Python, terminal, command-line, APIs, and REST. The objective is to teach you how to build a functional API from scratch. By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned how to set up a Flask project, create endpoints, handle requests and responses, and manage data with a database.