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Random Card Generator CLI


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs

  • Hints

Random Card CLI Python

In this project you will learn how to use coding logic to generate random cards.


Create an algorithm that randomly builds a random card every time it runs:

  1. Start by cloning this repo:
$ git clone`
  1. Run the algorithm by typing:
  1. Every time the algorithm runs a new random card needs to show on the console.

  2. The card must have one of the possible suites: Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Diamonds.

  3. The card value must be one of the following: 1 to 10, King, Queen, Jack or Ace (no joker).

In the end, the project needs to look similar to this demo.


  • You can use emoji for the card suites: ♡ ♧ ♤ ♢

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  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs

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  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs

Supplementary Material

In order to prepare better for completing this exercises, we suggest the following materials

How to

Introduction to Python Programming: A Beginner's Guide?


Learn Python Interactively (beginner)


Learn Python Loops and lists Interactively