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Practice and develop your coding skills by building real live interactive autograded projects with solutions and video tutorials

2hrs average

Logistic Regression Project Tutorial

Logistic Regression is the ideal first algorithm to learn how to model. Without doing much cleaning, train your model and optimize until you are satified with your evaluation and results.


10hrs average

Steps to create your first personal porfolio using React.js


6hrs average

Very simple instagram simulation to understand the basics of CSS and HTML5 and how to use them together to create a website.


1hrs average

Optimize your LinkedIn profile as a Software Engineer to connect with people in the industry, fing jobs and networking opportunities


4hrs average

Use your Python skills to randomly draw a poker card on every time the algorithm runs


3hrs average

Use your recently adquired knowledge to build user stories


3hrs average

Use your recently adquired knowledge to build a data-model for your starwars blog


2hrs average

This is a dataset that contains Airbnb data on New York City. You will use it to practice your new EDA (exploratory data analysis) and data wrangling skills.


2hrs average

Create a REST API using Node.JS and Express.JS


4hrs average

Disneyland for procrastinators. Learning JavaScript? This excuse generator tutorial takes no more than 20 lines of code and can save you for the rest of your life!


2hrs average

This command line challenge is designed to make you become familiar with the bash/command line. The challenge goes over the most used commands every developer needs to know, in order to succeed in real life.


8hrs average

Create a TicTacToe List CLI using Python


1hrs average

Create the users stories for your final project


8hrs average

Use your DOM knowledge, HTML/CSS and Javascript to create a battleship game for one person only


16hrs average

Create a simple todo web app using the React.js framework


1hrs average

Build the first version of your student external profile that recruiters will see


4hrs average

Replicate a single instagram post using HTML and CSS


8hrs average

Todo List CLI using saving and retrieving the Todo's on the cloud


3hrs average

Practice HTML and CSS by building your Resume.


8hrs average

The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.


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