Practice and develop your coding skills by building real live interactive autograded projects with solutions and video tutorials
3hrs average
Study and prepare yourself to explain the features, strengths and weaknesses of one of the many GNU/Linux distributions.
3hrs average
Setup a network with Packet Tracer, and implement Access Control List to ensure the correct use of the servers in it.
3hrs average
Create an excuse generator with a CLI using Javascript
3hrs average
Prepare a real dataset to later train a machine learning model
2hrs average
Use KNN algorithm to build a simple movie recommender system.
2hrs average
Create a blog that shows all the characters of Rick and Morty using it's API!
8hrs average
Build a real life beautiful landing page without any framework and collecting leads
5hrs average
Create a network between 2 virtual machines and with access to the external network. Perform tests to validate the connection.
6hrs average
This is an improved version of the first instagram exercise, now using bootstrap.
8hrs average
Use Flux for the first time, learn how to organize you application in a centralized store and how to replicate changes and notify using the Context.API
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about hypothesis testing with Annova and others
4hrs average
The Postcard is a beginner-friendly exercise designed to help you practice your first steps in HTML5 and CSS3 by creating a personalized postcard. You'll replicate a pre-designed postcard layout (just like a potential employer will ask you in the future) while learning about HTML structure, CSS styling, and working with Google Fonts. Share your finished postcard with someone special and showcase your creativity!
8hrs average
Create an API to read from a family tree structure
3hrs average
Analyze the elements of a network, and identify where are being applied the concepts you already know
2hrs average
Connect with any API, retrieve the data and save it into a python pandas dataframe for easier manipulation and into a SQL database.
2hrs average
Use k-means algorithm to segment houses based on their coordinates.
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about calculus and algebra
16hrs average
Create a simple todo web app using vanilla js