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Build a Personal Expense Tracker with Python and Flask


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs

📝 Instructions

🌱 How to start this project?

Do not clone this repository because we are going to use a different template.

We recommend opening the project using Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod. Alternatively, you can clone the repository to your local computer using git clone.

This is the base repository you need to use:

⚠ You will need to have Python installed if you are working locally, but everything is preconfigured in Codespaces or Gitpod.

📝 Instructions

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

1pip install flask flask-sqlalchemy

Step 2: Create the Data Model

Step 3: Set Up the API Routes

Step 4: Create the User Interface

Step 5: Add Advanced Features (Optional)

Bonus Section

Additional Features to Practice

  1. Authentication: Implement a basic user registration and login system.
  2. Data Export: Add the option to export data to a CSV file.
  3. Notifications: Send alerts when the user exceeds a monthly budget.
  4. Deploy: Publish your application on Heroku or Render.

Explore different enhancements to make your application more complete and useful!

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By signing up, you agree to the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy.


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs

Signup and get access to this project for free

We will use it to give you access to your account.
Already have an account? Login here.

By signing up, you agree to the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy.


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs


  • intermediate

Average duration

6 hrs

Supplementary Material

In order to prepare better for completing this exercises, we suggest the following materials


Building RESTful API's using Flask


Learn how to build HTTP requests with Python


Todo List API