Browse our list of curated database of projects, exercises, and lessons to learn HTML and CSS
Use the Fullstack technologies to build professional apps using React.js
Quick review about concepts you need to know in CSS, HTML and JS before starting the Full Stack Development course
Debugging css code faster and more efficiently. Save more than 50% of your debugging time when coding CSS.
As you may have noticed, HTML allows you to create only basic websites. Nobody wants to see a white website with some horrible text on it. So it's time to learn what CSS is all about! Learn CSS to make your website beautiful. Let's make it shine!
6hrs average
This is an improved version of the first instagram exercise, now using bootstrap.
8hrs average
Build a real life beautiful landing page without any framework and collecting leads
4hrs average
Use Javascript to validate the inputs of an HTML form (on submit)
4hrs average
Disneyland for procrastinators. Learning JavaScript? This excuse generator tutorial takes no more than 20 lines of code and can save you for the rest of your life!
8hrs average
Use your DOM knowledge, HTML/CSS and Javascript to create a battleship game for one person only
3hrs average
Build website among a team of several collaborators
8hrs average
Use your CSS knowledge to draw Goku using Position and Display properties.
4hrs average
Use your CSS/HTML/JS skills to randomly draw a poker card on every website refresh.
6hrs average
Step by step, go over all the most important DOM concepts and methods: Use javascript to manipulate styles, HTML elements.
8hrs average
Learn how to build layouts with an interactive and auto-graded tutorial.
Use Webpack to compile and build a project with the latest Javascript and HTML/CSS
But really, what is HTML? HTML is to websites what columns are for buildings. Here you will learn HTML basics, the foundations of the web.
Debugging code faster and more efficiently. Save more than 50% of your debugging time when coding HTML.
Aside from mastering the display and position CSS rules, learning how to use the CSS selectors is the most important skill you need to develop. You don't have to remember the syntax of each of them, but keep them on your radar to be able to develop the right strategies when building your CSS stylesheet.
8hrs average
Practice building algorithms by doing a bubble-sorting algorithm and displaying it on a website
8hrs average
Practice your entry-level skills in Javascript, The DOM and HTML/CSS by building a Pop Balloons Game.
4hrs average
Create an eCommerce Product Landing Page using standard HTML/CSS, no bootstrap or any other css framework.
4hrs average
Practice conditions, render a profile card based on a series of variables that could change in value during runtime like: username, avatar, etc.
8hrs average
Learn CSS with an interactive and auto-graded tutorial with dozens of exercises.
5hrs average
A complete tutorial list of small targeted exercises that will show the most useful things you need to learn about bootstrap
Use Javascript, React.js, Python and Flask to build an entire full-stack application
HTML Forms, HTML input and HTML text-area are really easy to understand, and they are the ONLY way to make interactive websites without AJAX. These very basic concepts represent 90% of everything you will ever need to know about forms .
Building layouts is the most painful process when coding HTML & CSS. Learn the CSS layout rules: Display, Position, Float and Flex; and place any element anywhere you want.
4hrs average
Create an AI-powered Excuse Generator using Python or JavaScript. Learn to connect with ChatGPT's API and generate creative excuses. Perfect for coding practice!
6hrs average
Practice building algorithms by doing a selection-sorting algorithm and displaying it on a website
6hrs average
Very simple instagram simulation to understand the basics of CSS and HTML5 and how to use them together to create a website.
36hrs average
Use React and HTTP Fetch to create a clone
8hrs average
Learn the most popular HTML Tags and how to use them with real life interactive examples, automatic grading and video solutions
3hrs average
Form validations, inputs, textarea, date inputs, etc.