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Practice and develop your coding skills by building real live interactive autograded projects with solutions and video tutorials

2hrs average


Use your NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about descriptive statistics


4hrs average

Use Javascript to validate the inputs of an HTML form (on submit)


8hrs average

The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.


2hrs average

Use Random Forest algorithm to predict a marketing campaign success by predicting the campaign impressions


1hrs average

Use Streamlit to create a machine learning web application.


1hrs average

Build a customized github profile that stands out and showcases how you are, your projects and skills. Overall having a fun and friendly profile for recruiters and other developers to visit.


2hrs average

These are your machine learning final project instructions


2hrs average


3hrs average

Create a HTML5 form with all the typical inputs


2hrs average

Map your career to properly plan your job-search and find jobs that align with your skills and expectations


2hrs average

Use your new skills to help American Express improve their default prediction model.


2hrs average

How much will your insurance cost based on a set of variables? Use this small dataset to model the relationship between several explanatory variables and a numerical target using a linear regression algorithm.


2hrs average

Use a deep learning algorithm to build an image classifier.


3hrs average

Use your recently adquired knowledge to build a data-model for your starwars blog


2hrs average

Use python and the beautiful soup library to download, scrape, clean and visualize the revenue information from Tesla


1hrs average

Refactor your code to following industry best practices when coding


2hrs average

Learn how to build a linear regression model from scratch: understand a new dataset, perform exploratory data analysis (EDA), model the data, and optimize your model. Discover how the $R^2$ evolves by adjusting the Lasso model's hyperparameter up to a value of 20.


2hrs average

Use ARIMA model o create a cpu usage anomaly detection model.


2hrs average

Use decision tree algorithm to diagnose diabetes by using patiente medical information from previous medical exams


3hrs average

Build a Full Stack Developer Resume to showcase your skills, stand out from the crowd and land interviews


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