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Audio player like Spotify with React.js


  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


📝 Requirements

Let's create a MP3 player that works similar to Spotify Todo List.

The buttons should always remain at the bottom of the viewport (use position fixed for that). You only need to implement the Play, Pause, Next and previous buttons.

🌱 How to start this project

Do not clone this repository because we are going to be using a different template.

We recommend opening the react-hello template, using a provisioning tool like Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod. Alternatively, you can clone the GitHub repository on your local computer using the git clone command.

This is the repository you need to open or clone:

1$ git clone

💡 Important: Remember to create a new repository, update the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and upload the code to your new repository using add, commit and push.

📝 Requirements

  • List the songs from the Sounds API using the Fetch API.
  • When the user clicks on a song, the player it must start playing it.
  • When the user clicks on the "next" button the player should start playing the next song from the list, if there is no next song then it should start over by playing the first song of the list, the same applies for the "previous" button.
  • Use the react ref attribute to get the audio tag from the DOM.
  • Make sure to have only one <audio> tag on the entire project, use ref to change its src url.

😎 Feeling Confident?

The following features are not needed for the final solution, but you can develop them if you feel confident enough:

  • +1 Implement implement volume control: two buttons, one to rise and one to lower the volume.
  • +1 Repeat mode button: when activated, the current song will repeat forever until deativated.
  • +2 Shuffle functionality: the songs will play randomly instead of in order.
  • +5 Implement slider timeline: The slider will move with the song accordingly, if clicked the song will jump to that time.

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  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


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  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs



  • intermediate

Average duration

16 hrs


Supplementary Material

In order to prepare better for completing this exercises, we suggest the following materials


React Hooks Explained


Learn React here: React JS Tutorial


Learn React.js Tutorial and Interactive Exercises