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4Geeks Templates & Boilerplates Intro

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Through the years, we have created a list of project starters (boilerplates) with great documentation, packages and use cases for people learning how to code.

Start a project in...

Technology Template RepositoryRead moreOpen
Basic HTML/CSS/JSread the docsOpen in Codespaces or Gitpod
Vanilla.js with Viteread the docsOpen in Codespaces or Gitpod
React.jsread the docsOpen in Codespaces or Gitpod from the repository page
React.js + useReducer and useContextread the docsOpen in Codespaces or Gitpod from the repository page
Flask Python: API Developmentread the docsOpen in Codespaces or Gitpod from the repository page
Full Stack: React front end + Flask API backendread the docsOpen in Codespaces or Gitpod from the repository page