On RegEx for whitespaces we'll be discussing the different ways to detect whitespaces using regular expressions. RegEx has more than one way to search in a given text for these characters and we'll be giving an example with the most used one
A float type variable is used to store real numbers with fractions (or floating point numbers). The float() method returns a float number from any received integer, numeric string or even a boolean!
Cloning is the fastest way to download a project or code, in this lessons we will explain how to clone and the difference it has with forking
To disable Javascrpt in Tor browser, you´ll have to go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> scroll down until Security level and select the option you want, each will be most strict than the other.
To call a function we just need to write our function's name alongside the parentheses with the corresponding parameters.
Learn the meaning of the double equal sign in Python. Explore how it works for equality comparison and make your code more powerful.
On this step-by-step guide you'll find how to update python version on all mayor Operating Systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux) making use of Chocolatey, Homebrew and Deadsnakes as well with the option to download and install from python.org
This document will provide a guide on how installing nvm and node.js for Windows environment
Get the latest version of Python with this easy guide! Learn how to check your current version and upgrade to the newest version with just a few clicks. #Python #VersionCheck #Upgrade
The easiest way to multiply in python is by using the asterisk symbol like this: 3 * 2
There are many ways to create objects in javascript, we can use the new keyword or create it with literal syntax, here you can see more examples.
The code to open the print dialog in JavaScript is window.print(). This method will open up the print dialog for the current document and gives you all the options
In Python, the # symbol is used for commenting a single line of code. It´s possible to use this character to comment multiple lines, but you'll need to put one by one. If we want to comment multiple lines in a more simple way, then we use the 'docstring' method.
Java and Javascript are completely different programming languages even though people gets confused a lot.
The code to open the print dialog in JavaScript is window.print(). This method will open up the print dialog for the current document and gives you all the options
You can run Javascript in the Visual Studio Code through the terminal if you have node installed (node filename.js).