Express Generator
The express-generator package helps a lot in developing web applications with Node; it generates the application structure. A small disadvantage is that when generating the code, we don't know how to change some basic things, for example, the port on which the app listens (default is port 3000).
To install express generator we can run the following command.
1$ npm i -g express-generator
To start a new project with express generator we can run the following command, which will generate a project structure:
1$ express --pug webapp
When we create our app with express generator we get the following directory structure, which contains all the necessary files to start the project, using as pug. templating engine within the other template engines, we have ejs, hts
- webapp
- bin
- public
- routes
- views
- app.js
- package.json
To install all the basic dependencies for the operation of our web, we access the main directory and run the following command:
1$ npm install
To start our web project we have to execute the following command:
1$ npm run start