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4Geeks Academy Code of Conduct and Ethics

Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

Being a member of the 4geeks Academy team comes with a lot of good things and responsibility. Our culture of our work environment is made of how each and every one of us act, speak and behave, every day.

This is our Code of Conduct and Ethics, it is based on our policies and our Values: CODING. PASSION. LEARNING. INNOVATION. Above all, it describes our top rules and how to make sure we follow them:

  1. Do the right thing. Always act with honesty and integrity. Maintain high moral and ethical standards. You are the Culture: role model the Behavior you Want to see.
  2. Be kind. Treat people with respect, regardless of who they are, and Where do they come from? Be decent and courteous in all relationships.
  3. Play fair. Try to balance the interests of the entire community (stakeholders, teachers, students, users, employees, freelancers and the general public). We are all 4geeks!
  4. Assume your responsibilities and the consequences of your actions, we are here to learn and grow.
  5. Communicate constantly, and what you don't know: ask.

Failing to follow the Code may lead to disciplinary action, or even termination of employment.

Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

It’s very simple: We respect and obey the law, in letter and in spirit. Always. This goes for all laws of the cities, states and countries where we operate. Make sure you know enough about the laws that apply to ask for further information and help from supervisors, managers or other appropriate personnel when you need it. If you find that the law conflicts with this Code or any of our policies, always go with the law and discuss the perceived conflict with your supervisor, manager or other appropriate personnel.

Full, Fair, Accurate, Timely and Understandable Disclosure

The information in 4Geeks Academy’s public communications must be full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable. This includes all reports and documents that we file with or submit to regulatory bodies. You should be familiar with 4geeks Academy’s disclosure obligations related to your position. You cannot knowingly misrepresent or omit (or cause others to do the same) material facts about Spotify to others, especially auditors, government regulators and self-regulatory organizations.

Conflicts of Interest

At times, you may face conflicting loyalties between personal or professional benefits for you, your friends or family, and 4Geeks Academy. You must avoid situations that create a real or perceived conflict of interest between you and 4Geeks Academy at all times. Any situation that involves, or might later involve, a conflict of interest, should be disclosed promptly to 4Geeks Academy. Some practical examples of conflicts of interest can be found in our Contracts. To the extent that you find yourself with a question, please feel free to reach out and our legal team is happy to help.

In case you have doubts about presenting a conflict of interest, we will always be willing to discuss any situation you want.

Corporate Opportunities

You owe a duty to 4Geeks Academy to advance its business interests whenever possible. You cannot take any opportunity for yourself that arises through 4Geeks Academy’s business relationships or that is discovered through the use of 4Geeks Academy’s property or information. You cannot use our property and resources for your personal gain and you cannot compete against 4Geeks Academy.


The use of confidential business information is critical to 4geeks Academy’s success. When you receive access to confidential information at 4geeks Academy, it’s up to you to keep it safe and make sure it stays confidential. This includes all information that is not public and that can be of use to competitors or harmful to 4geeks Academy if it’s disclosed. It also includes information that others, like users, artists, vendors or partners, have trusted us with. This rule applies even after your employment here ends. Confidentiality provisions are part of each employee’s employment contracts and professional services contracts, so please do refer back to your documents.

Fair competition

always be good. Don’t lie or steal or cheat. Don’t use information that was obtained without the owner’s consent or secret information that is wrongfully disclosed by past or present employees of other companies. Deal fairly with our customers, suppliers, competitors and employees, and always respect their rights. Don’t take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of facts or any other kind of intentional dirty tricks or unfair practice.

Discrimination and Harassment

The diversity of 4geeks Academy’s employees is a tremendous asset. We come from all around the world and represent a variety of cultures and represent a variety of cultures, experiences and diverse backgrounds. We strive to create and maintain an inclusive work environment in which all of our employees are treated with dignity, decency and respect. Everyone has the right to feel included and valued here, and allowed to bringtheir very best to the mix. The vibe of our work environment is made up of how each and every one of us acts and speaks every day. So we are all responsible for it. In short, we make each other feel welcome and included. We don’t accept any sort of harassment, intimidation or rudeness and this includes comments, jokes and questions that are insensitive/inappropriate.

Reporting any Illegal or Unethical Behavior

If you believe that anyone at 4geeks Academy has engaged in conduct that violates a law, regulation, or this Code, we want to know as quickly as possible! Report your concern to You should also feel free to raise any issue with your managers.


Please always feel safe and free to speak up about misconduct. We all rely on every employee taking that responsibility and the goal is always to resolve problems as quickly as possible so that we all can continue doing great work! If you report something you suspect violates this Code, our policies, or the law, it is utterly forbidden at 4geeks Academy to retaliate against you in any way. All we ask is that you only raise concerns in good faith. “In good faith” doesn’t mean you have to be right or even sure that a violation has occurred, it just means that you believe whatever you report is Truthful.

Safety and Healthy

Violence, threatening behavior, or use of illegal drugs is never allowed in our house. Neither is reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.


Always keep our records and reporting honest and accurate. All of our books, records, accounts, and financial statements have to tell the truth about our transactions, be reasonably detailed, and follow both legal requirements and our own internal controls system. No entry may be made that intentionally hides or disguises the true nature of any transaction. We never use exaggerations, derogatory remarks, guesswork, or inappropriate characterizations of people or companies in our business records or communication. And remember that all business records and communications can become public at some point, so keep them all fit for bright light. When you travel or have business expenses, do document and record them. If there is a litigation or a governmental investigation, please consult the Legal team regarding what should be retained and what may be destroyed.

Protection and Proper Use of 4Geeks Academy Assets

It’s part of all our job descriptions to protect 4geeks Academy assets and ensure they are used efficiently. Be mindful of waste and carelessness and if you suspect fraud or theft, report it immediately! 4Geeks Academy owns the equipment you are given, email accounts, software, other IT devices and materials. They are for your use but they are all company property, please treat them as such.

Failing to follow the Code may lead to disciplinary action, or even termination of employment.

Working Discipline

Being part of 4Geeks represents the opportunity to be part of an organization that is seriously committed to minimizing the entry barriers to the world of programming and technology. In an educational bet that is internationally recognized, market leader in all the countries where it has offices, with large products, success stories by the dozen, talents in many disciplines and in more than 20 cities in the world.

We must wear the logo with pride and confidence. We have offices in many places in Europe, North, Central and South America. We have graduated thousands of people and have helped to change their lives. Our own careers and trajectories have improved and grown from our performance at 4Geeks.

For this reason, we must now commit to the following:

  • Workdays of at least thirty-six (36) hours per week.

  • If in any city at least 3 members of the 4Geeks team (full-time) coincide and reside, the working days must be at least 50% of the time in person.

  • Each of these groups of people will have the right to a monthly enjoyment day (lunch, dinner, bar, cinema, among others) and an additional annual one.

  • People with complicated access to basic services (internet, electricity, water) must work 100% of the time in person with daily working days of at least seven (7) hours. This will also apply to people who depend on work teams owned by 4Geeks.

  • All team members must know their monthly KPI's and must be measured by their immediate superiors for the same. The fulfillment of 100% of the objectives will give rise to monthly bonuses for all those who achieve it.

  • 25% of the salary of each must be measured and paid according to the KPI's defined and evaluated monthly.

  • The failure to comply with deliverables and = responsibilities clearly assigned to each of the members will be considered as a serious fault. 3 serious faults will entitle to justified and immediate dismissal from the organization.

  • We must be responsible for our performance and that of our team. Team members are responsible for the fulfillment of the joint objectives, so responsibility and collective monitoring of the fulfillment of the objectives must be promoted.

  • We must have identified what our responsibilities, deliverables and immediate leaders are.

  • We must report corporate, individual failures and requirements for optimal work;