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Potential Problems When Moving a Company's Infrastructure to the Cloud

Almost all companies have integrated cloud computing into their operations in some way. However, it is crucial to ensure that their cloud security strategy can protect them against the main security threats in this environment.


Incorrect security configurations are one of the leading causes of data breaches in the cloud. Many organizations do not have adequate strategies for managing the security of their cloud infrastructure.

This is due to several factors. Cloud infrastructure is designed to be user-friendly and facilitate data sharing, making it difficult for companies to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to data. Moreover, organizations using cloud infrastructure do not have full visibility and control over their environment, relying instead on security controls provided by their cloud service provider (CSP).

Since many companies are unfamiliar with cloud security and often use multiple clouds (each with different security controls), it is easy to make configuration errors that leave resources exposed to attacks.

Unauthorized Access

Unlike on-premises infrastructure, cloud environments are outside the company's network perimeter and accessible from the Internet. This makes it easier for employees and customers to access, but also opens the door for attackers to gain unauthorized access to cloud resources. Incorrect security configurations or compromised credentials can allow an attacker to gain access without the company realizing it.

Insecure Interfaces/APIs

CSPs offer a variety of interfaces and APIs for their clients to manage and access services. Although these interfaces are usually well-documented to facilitate use, they can also be a weak point if not properly secured. A cybercriminal can use the documentation to find ways to access sensitive data.

APIs are a critical part of the security and availability of cloud services. Insecure APIs expose companies to risks related to data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Since APIs are accessible from the Internet, it is essential to implement appropriate security controls and conduct code reviews and penetration testing.

Account Hijacking

The use of weak passwords and password reuse are common issues that increase the risk of phishing attacks and data breaches. Account hijacking is a serious threat, as attackers can access critical data and functionalities if they obtain the credentials of an employee or customer.

To mitigate this risk, companies should implement multi-factor authentication and prohibit credential sharing. Additionally, accounts should be managed so that every action can be traced to a specific user.

Lack of Visibility

Cloud resources are outside the corporate network, limiting an organization's visibility over them. Many traditional monitoring tools do not work well in cloud environments, and some companies do not have cloud-specific security tools. This can make monitoring and protecting cloud resources difficult.

External Data Sharing

The cloud is designed to facilitate data sharing, allowing information to be shared with collaborators via links or email invitations. Although convenient, this also poses security risks. Shared links can be forwarded, stolen, or guessed by attackers, giving unauthorized access to data.

Malicious Insiders

Insider threats are a challenge for any organization, as malicious employees already have access to sensitive resources. Detecting a malicious insider in the cloud is even more challenging due to the lack of control over the underlying infrastructure and often incorrect security configurations.

To mitigate this risk, organizations should manage their encryption and key processes, implement segregation of duties, and minimize user access. Effective monitoring and activity auditing are also crucial.

Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) Attacks

The cloud is critical for many organizations, as they store important data and run key applications. A denial of service attack can disrupt these services, affecting multiple companies. DoS attacks, where attackers demand a ransom to stop the disruption, are a significant threat to cloud resources.

Data Leakage

Cloud environments facilitate data sharing, increasing the risk of leaks. Misconfigurations can leave data accessible to anyone with the link. Organizations must use multi-factor authentication and encryption to protect against data breaches.

Exploitation of System Vulnerabilities

System vulnerabilities are a continuous threat, exacerbated by the multi-tenant nature of the cloud. Organizations should perform regular vulnerability scans and apply patches promptly to minimize risks.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

APTs are attacks that seek to infiltrate systems to extract data over an extended period. They are difficult to detect as they blend in with normal traffic. Companies must be diligent in detecting and responding to these compromises, both in the cloud and on local systems.

Permanent Data Loss

Malicious attackers may attempt to permanently delete data to harm companies, and cloud data centers are also vulnerable to natural disasters. It is essential to implement adequate backups and follow best practices for business continuity and disaster recovery.

Shared Technology = Shared Risks

Shared cloud infrastructure can be a risk if there are vulnerabilities in any of the shared layers. Implementing effective security controls is crucial to minimize these risks and prevent vulnerabilities from being exploited.