Practice and develop your coding skills by building real live interactive autograded projects with solutions and video tutorials
4hrs average
Create an AI-powered Excuse Generator using Python or JavaScript. Learn to connect with ChatGPT's API and generate creative excuses. Perfect for coding practice!
8hrs average
Create an API to read from a family tree structure
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about descriptive statistics
2hrs average
Learn how to build a linear regression model from scratch: understand a new dataset, perform exploratory data analysis (EDA), model the data, and optimize your model. Discover how the $R^2$ evolves by adjusting the Lasso model's hyperparameter up to a value of 20.
8hrs average
Todo List CLI using saving and retrieving the Todo's on the cloud
16hrs average
Let's build a todo list from zero to publish using a Python Flask API and a Vanilla.js front-end
4hrs average
Disneyland for procrastinators. This excuse generator in python takes no more than 20 lines of code and can save you for the rest of your life!
2hrs average
Connect with any API, retrieve the data and save it into a python pandas dataframe for easier manipulation and into a SQL database.
2hrs average
Use Flask to create a machine learning web application to predict Titanic survival.
2hrs average
Use python and the beautiful soup library to download, scrape, clean and visualize the revenue information from Tesla
1hrs average
Use Streamlit to create a machine learning web application.
4hrs average
Use your Python skills to randomly draw a poker card on every time the algorithm runs
8hrs average
Scanning files in a computer and building a report based on the findings
2hrs average
Use your NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib skills to practice a little about hypothesis testing with Annova and others
2hrs average
Learn the basics on how to optimize or better build algorithms in Python for Machine Learning
8hrs average
The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.
2hrs average
These are your machine learning final project instructions