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Command Line Challenge


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs

This command line challenge is designed to familiarize you with the terminal. This challenge covers the most commonly used commands that any developer should know to succeed in life.

❗ We recommend that you read the lesson The Command Line on the platform before doing this exercise.

💻 The challenge is designed for computers using Linux bash. Use Github Codespaces or Gitpod if you need a cloud terminal.

🌱 How to start this project

👩‍🎓 Students and Teachers should follow this step

This project comes with the necessary files to start working immediately. Inside this repository, you will find an organized folder structure to work with.

We recommend opening this same repository using a development environment like Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod.

This is the repository you need to open:


👉 Please follow these steps on how to start a coding project.

Alternatively, you can clone it to your local computer.

⚠️ Before cloning, be aware of this potential issue on Windows

On Windows and some Linux configurations, there is a limit on the number of characters allowed in file and folder names. If the repository has too long paths, you might encounter the error:

Filename too long

To avoid this problem, instead of cloning the repository in the usual way, use the --no-checkout option, which will prevent Git from automatically extracting the long files. Then, manually checkout with these commands:

1git clone --no-checkout 2cd exercise-terminal-challenge 3git checkout HEAD --

💡 Important: Remember to save and upload your code to GitHub by creating a new repository, updating the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and uploading the code to your new repository using the add, commit, and push commands from the git terminal.

Only teachers should follow this step:

The small challenges and interactive slides are NOT in this repository, but are deployed elsewhere.

To access the interactive slides and practice challenges, visit the following link:

👉 View slides and challenges

If you experience any issues with the website, follow these steps after cloning or opening the following repository in Codespaces:


1) Install the packages.

1$ npm install

2) Run the presentation.

1$ npm run start

This and many other projects are used to learn to code by students of 4Geeks Academy Coding Bootcamp created by Alejandro Sanchez and many other contributors. Learn more about our Programming Courses to become a Full Stack Developer, or our Data Science Bootcamp.

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  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs

Signup and get access to this project for free

We will use it to give you access to your account.
Already have an account? Login here.

By signing up, you agree to the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy.


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

2 hrs