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Domain Name Generator


  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


The Domain Name Generator

The Domain Name Generator

Finding a domain name is hard, so why not automate it? :)

🌱 How to start this project

Do not clone this repository because we are going to be using a different template.

We recommend opening the vanillajs boilerplate using a provisioning tool like Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod. Alternatively, you can clone it on your local computer using the git clone command.

This is the repository you need to open or clone:


👉 Please follow these steps on how to start a coding project.

💡 Important: Remember to save and upload your code to GitHub by creating a new repository, updating the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and uploading the code to your new repository using the add, commit and push commands from the git terminal.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Add your code inside your app.js file.
  2. You have to use console.log("Any string"); to show something on the console.
  3. Run your code by typing: npm run start, if you run it locally, make sure you have node.js

📝 Instructions

  1. Create a script that generates all the possible domain name combinations from a list of pronouns, adjectives and nouns, for example:
1 let pronoun = ['the', 'our']; 2 let adj = ['great', 'big']; 3 let noun = ['jogger', 'racoon'];

Should generate something like:

💡 Hints

  • You'll need to use nested for loops in order to mix the different values together.

  • Your tools: For loop, string concatenation.

😎 Feeling confident?

  • Add several types of extensions: .com, .net, .us, .io, etc.

  • Add domain hacks, for example: instead of you can use the .us domain like this:

A bit of history about the project

Before the domain market was centralized and converted into a mafia controlled by Godaddy, Enom, and others, normal people like you and me were able to buy a .com domain relatively easily.

In fact, this project was originally built in 2002 by one of the 4Geeks teachers while he was trying to find domain names to buy for several projects.

This and many other projects are built by students as part of the 4Geeks Academy Coding Bootcamp by Alejandro Sanchez and many other contributors. Find out more about our Full Stack Developer Course, and Data Science Bootcamp.

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  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


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  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

4 hrs


Supplementary Material

In order to prepare better for completing this exercises, we suggest the following materials


What is an Array? Understanding the Basics and Defining Array Data Structure


Learn Javascript Arrays and Loops Interactive


Javascript Beginner Tutorial (interactive)