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Prompt Engineer

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If you haven't heard that the new title for the past few years is Prompt Engineer, you haven't used enough artificial intelligence for Google to suggest it to you.

A Prompt Engineer is someone who writes effective prompts to interact with an AI model and always achieve the same result. Or rather, the same result structure.

The truth is, it sounds very easy. I've heard things like: "Who hasn't used ChatGPT? Am I going to pay for a course to learn how to use ChatGPT?", accompanied by some meme or mocking image. But, have you ever talked to AI and the result obtained is poor and does not meet all your expectations? Well, that's normal. AI still has limitations that make certain activities like creative writing, creating content that seems human-written, or generating original ideas still a challenge. However, with a good understanding of how to structure and formulate prompts, much more satisfactory and consistent results can be obtained.

By the way, at 4Geeks we have a free Prompt Engineering course, I'll tell you more about it later.

What is a Prompt?

A prompt is the instruction you give to the AI model to generate a specific result. It can be as simple as a greeting, a question, or a more complex instruction that includes tasks the AI must perform.

In a prompt, you should also include information about the context, the output structure, functions the AI can perform, and many other details.

If you want to learn more about prompts, I recommend this other article from 4Geeks: What is a Prompt.

What Does a Prompt Engineer Do?

The work of a Prompt Engineer is not just about writing anything and hoping for the best. It requires a deep understanding of the AI model you are working with, as well as its limitations and capabilities. This includes knowing how to formulate questions clearly and specifically, how to provide the right context, and how to adjust prompts based on the results obtained. Additionally, you must know how to clearly identify a hallucination so that the generated results are always free of false information.

What is a hallucination? It is when the AI model generates information that is not supported by the training data. For example, if you ask an AI model to tell you what the largest land animal in the world is and it responds that it is an elephant, that is not a hallucination. But if it responds that it is a dragon, that is a hallucination.

Furthermore, a Prompt Engineer must stay updated on the updates and improvements in AI models, as these are constantly evolving. What worked well a few months ago may not be as effective today, and vice versa. Therefore, it is a field that requires continuous learning and adaptation.

Become a Prompt Engineer

At 4Geeks, we offer a free Prompt Engineering course that will teach you the best practices and techniques for writing effective prompts. This course is designed for both beginners and those who already have experience with AI but want to improve their skills. You will learn to identify common mistakes and how to avoid them, as well as experiment with different approaches to find the one that works best for your specific needs.

In summary, being a Prompt Engineer is much more than simply interacting with an AI. It is a skill that requires practice, knowledge, and a mindset of continuous learning. If you are interested in improving your interactions with AI models and obtaining more consistent and satisfactory results, I encourage you to explore more about this fascinating field.