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Quizzes are an engaging and effective way to test a userโs knowledge and comprehension of a topic. They help users think critically and make lessons more interactive. In LearnPack, quizzes are created using plain markdown and are rendered into interactive content using specific formatting rules.
In this guide, weโll explain how to properly structure and format your quizzes to ensure they work seamlessly in LearnPack.
- [ ]
for incorrect answers, and - [x]
for the correct answer).Tab
to indent usually works.)Here are two examples to show you the correct way to format quizzes for LearnPack:
11. What is the capital of France? 2 3 - [ ] Berlin 4 - [ ] Madrid 5 - [x] Paris 6 72. Which planet is known as the Red Planet? 8 9 - [ ] Earth 10 - [x] Mars 11 - [ ] Jupiter
1- What is 2 + 2? 2 3 - [ ] 3 4 - [x] 4 5 - [ ] 5 6 7- What is the boiling point of water? 8 9 - [x] 100ยฐC 10 - [ ] 50ยฐC 11 - [ ] 150ยฐC
If your lesson contains multiple quizzes, you can include them all in the same markdown file. Just make sure to separate them with an element like a heading, text block, or additional content.
1Welcome to the HTML Basics lesson! In this lesson, we will explore the fundamentals of HTML. 2 3### Quiz 1: HTML Basics 4 51. What is HTML used for? 6 7 - [x] Creating websites 8 - [ ] Writing code 9 - [ ] Designing animations 10 112. What does HTML stand for? 12 13 - [ ] Hyper Trainer Markup Language 14 - [x] Hyper Text Markup Language 15 - [ ] Home Tool Markup Language 16 17--- 18 19### Quiz 2: CSS Basics 20 211. What is CSS used for? 22 23 - [ ] Developing databases 24 - [x] Styling websites 25 - [ ] Writing server-side code 26 272. Which property is used to change text color in CSS? 28 29 - [ ] font-color 30 - [x] color 31 - [ ] text-color
Shift + Alt + F
in VSCode to auto-format your file, ensuring proper indentation.By following these guidelines, youโll create quizzes that are not only functional but also engaging and effective for learners. Quizzes are a great way to reinforce learning, so take the time to craft meaningful questions. Happy teaching! ๐