Practica y desarrolla tus habilidades de codificación mediante la creación de proyectos autograduados interactivos reales en vivo con soluciones y video tutoriales
1hrs promedio
Refactor your code to following industry best practices when coding
2hrs promedio
Use Random Forest algorithm to predict a marketing campaign success by predicting the campaign impressions
1hrs promedio
Use Streamlit to create a machine learning web application to predict Titanic survival.
3hrs promedio
Use your recently adquired knowledge to build a data-model for your starwars blog
1hrs promedio
Optimize your LinkedIn profile as a Software Engineer to connect with people in the industry, fing jobs and networking opportunities
6hrs promedio
This is an improved version of the first instagram exercise, now using bootstrap.
2hrs promedio
Use python and the beautiful soup library to download, scrape, clean and visualize the revenue information from Tesla
2hrs promedio
Map your career to properly plan your job-search and find jobs that align with your skills and expectations
2hrs promedio
Use your new skills to help American Express improve their default prediction model.
2hrs promedio
These are your machine learning final project instructions
2hrs promedio
Almost every website in the world has user authentication, in this project you have to implement user authentication using NodeJS for building a backend REST API and React.js and sessionStorage API for the front end web application.
4hrs promedio
Disneylandia para los procrastinadores. ¿Aprendiendo Javascript? ¡Este tutorial para generar excusas no toma más de 20 líneas de código y puede salvarte por el resto de tu vida!
2hrs promedio
Este desafío de línea de comandos está diseñado para que te familiarices con la terminal y la línea de comandos bash. El desafío abarca los comandos más utilizados que todo desarrollador necesita conocer para tener éxito en la vida real.
2hrs promedio
Use a deep learning algorithm to build an image classifier.
2hrs promedio
Aprende a construir un modelo de regresión lineal desde cero: comprende un nuevo dataset, realiza un análisis exploratorio (EDA), modela los datos y optimiza tu modelo. Descubre cómo el $R^2$ evoluciona al ajustar el hiperparámetro del modelo Lasso hasta un valor de 20.
2hrs promedio
Use ARIMA model o create a cpu usage anomaly detection model.
3hrs promedio
Build a Full Stack Developer Resume to showcase your skills, stand out from the crowd and land interviews
2hrs promedio
Logistic Regression is the ideal first algorithm to learn how to model. Without doing much cleaning, train your model and optimize until you are satified with your evaluation and results.
4hrs promedio
Replicate this postcard with CSS and HTML