
Explora nuestra extensa colección de cursos diseñados para ayudarte a dominar varios temas y habilidades. Ya seas un principiante o un aprendiz avanzado, aquí hay algo para todos.


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Full-Stack Software Developer - 16w

Data Science and Machine Learning - 16 wks

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Practica y desarrolla tus habilidades de codificación mediante la creación de proyectos autograduados interactivos reales en vivo con soluciones y video tutoriales

  • cybersecurity

  • network

Entendiendo las redes desde dentro

  • beginner

Analyze the elements of a network, and identify where are being applied the concepts you already know

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  • GitHub

  • Markdown

  • Resume

Optimiza tu perfil de github

  • beginner

Build a customized github profile that stands out and showcases how you are, your projects and skills. Overall having a fun and friendly profile for recruiters and other developers to visit.

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  • Data Science

  • Machine Learning

Tutorial del Proyecto Naive Bayes

  • beginner

Use Naive Bayes algorithm to classify apps reviews as good or bad.

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  • Data Science

  • Data Processing

Tutorial de Proyecto de Preprocesamiento de Datos

  • beginner

This is a dataset that contains Airbnb data on New York City. You will use it to practice your new EDA (exploratory data analysis) and data wrangling skills.

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  • Layouts

  • HTML and CSS

Post de Instagram

  • beginner

Replica la maquetacion de un post de instagram usando HTML y CSS

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  • REST

  • Python

  • Flask

Construye un API REST de StarWars

  • easy

The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.

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  • Javascript

  • Jest

  • Unit Testing

Tu primera prueba unitaria de Javascript con Jest

  • easy

Give a series of exercises and solutions, create the unit tests to automaticaly grade the given solutions

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  • cybersecurity

  • network

Solucionando problemas de red en Packet Tracer

  • beginner

Setup a network with Packet Tracer, and implement Access Control List to ensure the correct use of the servers in it.

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  • HTTP

  • APIs

Integrándose a una API usando Python

  • beginner

Este proyecto consiste en crear una aplicación para desarrolladores de Spotify, usando la API y Python Pandas. La aplicación permitirá recuperar y descargar datos de Spotify, y guardarlos en una base

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  • Data Science

  • Machine Learning

Tutorial del Proyecto Árbol de Decisión

  • beginner

Use decision tree algorithm to diagnose diabetes by using patiente medical information from previous medical exams

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  • HTTP

  • APIs

Proyecto Tutorial Integrando el API de Twitter

  • beginner

Connect with the Twitter API, retrieve the data and save it into a python pandas dataframe for easier manipulation and into a SQL database.

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  • Layouts

  • HTML and CSS

Instagram Photo Feed con HTML/CSS

  • beginner

Very simple instagram simulation to understand the basics of CSS and HTML5 and how to use them together to create a website.

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  • Bootstrap

  • ReactJS

Portafolio personal con React

  • easy

Steps to create your first personal porfolio using React.js

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  • APIs

  • Fetch API

  • ReactJS

Aplicación de Todolist usando React y Fetch

  • beginner

Create a simple todo web app using the React.js framework and use the API to sync with the server

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  • cybersecurity

  • network

Introduccion a Packet Tracer

  • beginner

Build a Full Stack Developer Resume to showcase your skills, stand out from the crowd and land interviews

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  • Data Science

  • Machine Learning

Tutorial de Proyecto de NLP

  • beginner

Create a url spam detector using NLP techniques and Support Vector Machine algorithm

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  • Data Science

  • Machine Learning

Tutorial de Proyecto de Regresión Lineal

  • beginner

How much will your insurance cost based on a set of variables? Use this small dataset to model the relationship between several explanatory variables and a numerical target using a linear regression algorithm.

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  • Numpy

  • Pandas

  • matplotlib

Proyecto de Ejercicios de Hipotesis Testing con Python

  • beginner

Use your numpy, pandas and matplotib skills to practice a little about hypothesis testing with Annova and others

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  • UML

  • SQL

  • Data Modeling

Construyendo el Modelo de Datos de Instagram

  • easy

Use your recently adquired knowledge to build user stories

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  • UML

  • SQL

  • Data Modeling

Modelo de Datos del blog de StarWars

  • easy

Use your recently adquired knowledge to build a data-model for your starwars blog

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